Sailaway can be used to learn to sail or enhance sailing skills, to compete in virtual sailing regattas or to practice for a big journey. The game simulates world-wide ocean sailing and cruising, so long voyages will take literal months and live online in the game’s persistent world, with an option for sailors to receive updates via email. Real-time weather data is pulled from NOAA, allowing virtual skippers to plan their voyage based weather predictions around the world.
Every element that is involved on any voyage short or long is presented in handcrafted detail in Sailaway – from the real starry night sky to how wet or damp conditions will affect your boat and your journey. Captains and crew will need to raise sails, pull winches, set reefs, outhaul, downhaul, vang, backstay and more. For novice sailors, there are a series of easy to learn controls that can assist and automate various options.
The game’s short run in Early Access allowed for major additions to be tested, balanced and tweaked before official launch. Orbcreation has implemented a variety of new boats including a Nordic Folkboat, a 50-foot Performance Cruiser and even a
Catamaran. Captains are also now able to customize their boats and create their own liveries in Steam Workshop, share their location between players, utilize private group chat and persistent crew chat and track their success with Steam Achievements.
Official Website: http://www.sailawaysimulator.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/552920/
Launch Trailer:
Teaser Trailer: