The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind – Early Access Launching May 22nd on Steam

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind – Early Access Launching May 22nd on Steam

It’s almost time to return to Morrowind in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, and today we have exciting news for existing PC and Mac ESO players. ZeniMax Online Studios has revealed that PC and Mac players who purchase the digital upgrade version of ESO: Morrowind, or the Physical Collector’s Edition, will have the option to begin their adventures in Vvardenfell a little early – starting May 22nd – via a special “Early Access” launch of the game.

Separate from the Public Test Server beta, “Early Access” players will receive the full game, play on live servers, and will retain all progression when the game officially launches on June 6th. “Early Access” is available for players who purchase the Digital Upgrade or Digital Collector’s Edition Upgrade versions of ESO: Morrowind for PC/Mac at any time prior to launch, as well as those who purchased the PC/Mac Physical Collector’s Edition. Physical Collector’s Edition owners will need to contact Customer Support at the following link to activate Early Access:

New players purchasing the full ESO: Morrowind game for PC/Mac will begin play on launch day — June 6th.

Whether starting a new Warden or bringing their existing heroes over to Vvardenfell, PC/Mac upgraders will have a two week jump on the epic storylines and new areas in the massive new Chapter. The “Early Access” period will allow for final gameplay tuning and polishing before the game launches for everyone in June.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind will launch on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on June 6th.

Official Website:

“A New Chapter in Vvardenfell”:


Warden Gameplay Trailer:



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