Man O’ War: Corsair – Now Available on Steam

Man O’ War: Corsair – Now Available on Steam

Award winning indie team ‘Evil Twin Artworks’ are proud to announce that ’Man O’ War: Corsair’ will leave Early Access and has move to full launch version at 17.00 BST today, 19th April, 2017. Man O’ War Corsair will be available for PC on Steam for £22.99 / €27.99 / $29.99.

“When we first launched our alpha back in April 2016, we rather optimistically said that we had about four months work left to do,” commented James Carroll, Director at Evil Twin Artworks. “We suspected we might end up doing more than that but our fantastic community has been so passionate and supportive, that we now have a much deeper and more engaging game than we ever envisaged.”

Man O’ War: Corsair now features explorable ports, new races and factions, additional gameplay modes, horrifying sea monsters and more epic battles than ever before! It’s a shining example of how a title should come through Early Access and blossom into a full gaming experience. James explains further: “When developers approach Early Access the right way, it can prove a wonderful collaboration that involves your most passionate fans without having to compromise your original development vision. We’re really glad we trusted our guts (and our community!) and took that route.”

True to form, through final launch and beyond, Evil Twin Artworks will still be asking for even more community feedback and suggestions as they continue to keep expanding Man O’ War: Corsair into the future, with a number of updates already in the works.

To celebrate the launch and to show how far the game has come, please check out the brand new Man O’ War: Corsair trailer posted below.

Humble Store:

Launch Trailer:


Update 0.8 Trailer:



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