After being wrongly profiled as a criminal risk by a citywide operating system, Marcus Holloway investigates to find rampant corporate corruption and manipulation of the public. Marcus and his group of hackers, DedSec, wage a war to take down the system and return power to the people.
Play as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant young hacker living in the birthplace of the tech revolution, the San Francisco Bay Area.
Team up with Dedsec, a notorious group of hackers, to execute the biggest hack in history; take down ctOS 2.0, an invasive operating system being used by criminal masterminds to monitor and manipulate citizens on a massive scale.
- ● Explore the dynamic open-world, full of gameplay possibilities
- ● Hack into every connected device and take control of the city infrastructure.
- ● Develop different skills to suit your playstyle, and upgrade your hacker tools – RC cars, Quadcopter drone, 3D printed weapons and much more.
- ● Stay seamlessly connected to your friends with a brand new co-op and adversarial multiplayer Watch Dogs experience.
Official Website: http://www.watchdogs.ubisoft.com
Selfie Revealed: http://www.watchdogs.com/SelfieReveal
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/447040/
Launch Trailer:
Season Pass Trailer: