Ratz Instagib – Launches on Steam

Ratz Instagib – Launches on Steam

Attention rodents, Rising Star Games is charged to announce that Ratz Instagib has chewed its way out of Early Access and the game has now fully launched on Steam for your fragging fix.

Forget the needlessly over-complicated shenanigans of modern multiplayer shooters, Ratz Instagib brings back the fur-raising glory days of the 90s merciless FPS. Casting players as railgun-toting-rats wreaking havoc across various arenas, Ratz Instagib’s rules are simple – one gun, one hit, kills.

During its time in Early Access, the game saw more updates than you can shake a tail at, including: a wealth of new maps, a brand new Steam Workshop integrated map editor, a ton of loot drops, spectator mode, and new and improved controls.

The full game is available on Steam for the bargain price $8.99, but will have a 20% discount for the first week (July 27th – August 2nd) to celebrate its launch.

Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/338170/

Launch Trailer:



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