Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut – New Console Update Now Live

Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut – New Console Update Now Live

Brought to you by the creator of the original Fallout — Brian Fargo, the teams over at inXile, and Deep Silver welcome Wasteland back to consoles for the first time in 25 years.

The award-winning RPG offers near endless gameplay as the world around you shifts and is impacted by each decision you make. Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut includes everything that fans loved from Wasteland 2 on PC and brings them to consoles built on a brand new engine and with radial control schemes, new voiceovers and lighting effects.

Take your time in Wasteland and learn how to best approach situations, but keep in mind that starting the game over isn’t a bad thing. A clean restart will allow you to utilize your improved gameplay knowledge and experience the nuances that occur with different decisions you make in the wasteland.

Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut Patch 1 Release Notes (Console)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed companions not spawning correctly at HQ after dismissing them.
  • Fixed disappearing perks on companions after dismissing them.
  • Fixed inability to open doors in Ranger Citadel and Ag Center Central Compex after using Examine while playing with a controller.
  • Fixed Meson Cannon not properly firing on the player.
  • Fixed voice-over lines not playing in some conditions after returning to a location.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause Precision Strikes with melee attacks to not apply correctly in certain conditions.
  • Fixed a bug with Rangers sometimes running in place when conversation or cutscene stopped them.
  • Fixed a bug which could sometimes prevent selecting certain skills in the Skills screen while playing with a controller.
  • Fixed a bug which could sometimes cause the Skills Radial menu to only show Lockpicking as a valid option while playing with a controller.
  • Improvements to voice-over 2D/3D sound positioning in conversations and barks.


  • Increased the effects of Manic Depressive to +2/-2 to Attributes, to make it a bit more compelling to select.
  • Reduced the effects of Disparnumerophobia to +1/-1 to Attributes.
  • Increased the Applied Force line of perks slightly.
  • Increased time range for Animal Husbandry effects to take place.
  • Increased Tactical Positioning damage bonus slightly.
  • Increased the Whack-a-Mole bonus to Chance to Hit slightly.
  • Increased the Bomberman bonus to Area of Effect range slightly.
  • Increased the Long Arm bonus to Throw Distance range slightly.
  • Increased the Loose Change drop chance slightly.
  • Increased the bonus granted by Intimidating, Affable and Know-it-All, to make them more compelling to select.
  • Reduced the Improvised Explosives salvage chance slightly.
  • Removed Friendly Fire chance from Master Hunter entirely.
  • Fixed Bandit line of perks to no longer affect Submachine Guns.
  • Increased the Bandit line of perks bonus attack chance.
  • Opportunist now shows the correct bonus damage. The text was previously incorrect.
  • Increased the effective range of Opportunist bonus damage slightly.
  • Increased Big Game Hunter and Roboticist bonus damage.
  • Updated the Alarm Disarming line of perks, Ghost and Quick Reflexes. Ghost is now placed at a lower skill requirement and Quick Reflexes now grants permanent bonus Evasion. This should make them more compelling to take.
  • Removed Conductive flag from Goat Hide Armor, since it’s not made out of metal.
  • Improved some old unique weapons so that they are more worthwhile to use.
  • Removed an erroneous 1.2x Field Medic skill multiplier on Mysophobic. The flat bonus healing effects still remain as described.

Official Forums: https://wasteland.inxile-entertainment.com/community/?act=view&id=29

Launch Trailer:


Squad Creation & Tactics Trailer:



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