Degica Games in association with Pigasus Games are proud to announce Adventurezator: When Pigs Fly is out of Early Access and now available on Steam. This playful romp through fantasy land has two flavors. First it features a fully narrated and high flying adventure of fairytales, pigs, and gnomes. Second, and maybe most important, is the ability to allow users to craft their own stories, adventures, campaigns, and then share them via Steamworks.
Adventurezator is more than just a game; it’s an entire adventure game building kit! More than just a single level editor, you can craft huge branching quests linked together in a single campaign. Create or use a huge variety of props, characters, triggers, systems, and editors to build any adventure game you’ve dreamt of. From combat to voice acting to scheduled events, timers, and tried and true “pick up everything” adventure games, Adventurezator has the keys to unlock your inner game developer.
Official Website: http://www.pigasusgames.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/300280
Early Access Trailer: