The day in the life of the Ultimate Evil is never dull. With the daily grind of managing all those minions and facing off against hordes of demons, orcs and pesky humans, not to mention the dragons, life can be pretty intense. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any busier, today sees the release of the second Dungeons 2 DLC add-on ‘A Song of Sand and Fire.’ Hold tight, it’s going to be a hot one!
On a tour of the world of Dungeons 2, the widely travelled Dungeon Lord finds itself in a scorching desert in this blazing hot new DLC. An insane priestess is on the loose, burning anything and anyone at the stake. Will the possibly flammable Dungeon Lord and its minions also fall victim to the flames? Or will the Great Evil One be able to survive this ordeal and save itself from an untimely, charcoal-broiled end?
With over 10 hours of gameplay across three incendiary missions, ‘A Song of Sand and Fire’ introduces new fiery opponent variants with their own special abilities. The ‘A Song of Sand and Fire’ add-on can be downloaded later today via Steam, and right now via the Kalypso Launcher for $3.99.
Dungeons 2 is available worldwide via Steam for Windows PC, Mac and SteamOS and boxed retail at participating retailers. Dungeons 2 is now also available on GoG.com with a special offer of 50% off for a limited time.
Official Website: http://www.dungeons-game.com/en/
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/262280/
GoG: http://www.gog.com/game/dungeons_2
Kalypso Launcher: http://launcher.kalypsomedia.com/klx.php?dlcid=10001
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