Sword of the Stars: Ground Pounders – Now Available on Steam Early Access

Sword of the Stars: Ground Pounders – Now Available on Steam Early Access

Ground Pounders, the turn-based, cross-platform, Sci-Fistrategy Wargame from Kerberos Productions is out of closed beta and is now available on Early Access (Tom’s note: it came out on Valentine’s Day, but it was a bit too late in the day for us to send out the announcement)! Early adopters will be able to download and destroy that Very Special Someone in a PC multiplayer match! Singleplayer matches against a Very Special AI Someone are also available.

Take control of a futuristic army of land, sea, and air units, then battle alien factions to control a variety of worlds! Turn experience into veteran unites and unlock event cards to turn the tide in your favour!

The game is available for an Early Access reduced price of £5.99/€6.99/$9.99.The Early Access release is feature complete and players cantest their military minds against one campaign and five scenario battles – with the final release, early adopters will automatically gain access to another campaign and five more scenarios.

With the end of the closed beta for the game’s Indiegogo supporters, the team at Kerberos are looking for feedback from the general public. “Come help us put the finishing touches on this baby!” says CEO and lead designer Martin Cirulis. “Ground Pounders already has a ton of gameplay that we want players to have fun with while we load it up with the last of the ordinance it needs before launch.”

What can players expect in the Early Access game? “There’s already a complete Hiver campaign,” says Cirulis. “We’re hoping to get some feedback, tune the scenarios, and collect player suggestions for the future. What expansions would you like to see post-release? What challenges would you like to see in the upcoming Human campaign? What kind of information and historical data would you like to see in the game’s SotSdex archives? This is a chance for players to not only see the final game come together, but to actively participate, and help shape the final game.”

For those wondering what’s in store for Ground Poundersafter Early Access is over, COO and producer Christopher Stewart says there will be lots. “Right now we are incorporating the first round of player feedback, making some improvements to the tutorial and expanding it into its own mini-campaign. But we are already planning for new factions, new units, and new battles to come. We’ll continue to expand Ground Pounders throughout the 2014, and players will also have the ability to create their own content. We’ll give early adopters the inside-track on the dev tools for the game, and they should be ready to make their own battles and units when the tools are bundled with the final release.”

Look for Ground Pounders via Steam, GamersGate, and other fine online retailers. Android cross-compatibility will follow soon, and Mac/iOS/Linux compatibility will follow the game’s final release.

Final Release Features:

  • Control one of 2 armies – Human and Hivers
  • 80+ units covering land, sea, and air
  • Battle across alien worlds on exotic battlefields, including airless moons, lava plains, and meteor-blasted wastelands
  • Seize orbital superiority and call down bombardment on your foes
  • Build airfields, fortify areas, and repair or destroy bridges
  • Improve your unit’s experience and abilities over 2 campaigns
  • Unlock and collect combat cards, including faction-unique cards!
  • Build unique combat card decks and even tune them for specific battles
  • Ten scenarios to play in skirmish mode or cross-platform multi-player
  • Enjoy a SotSdex filled with Lore details on famous units, personalities, battles and weapon systems

Official Website: http://www.sots-groundpounders.com
Steam Early Access: http://store.steampowered.com/app/267730/
Demo: http://www.gamershell.com/download_102535.shtml

Gameplay Trailer:



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