It hasn’t been a week since the next-gen consoles launched and the competition between both systems and its users has heated up. PlayStation 4 gamers are criticizing the Xbox One for having the most issues during launch. It’s common knowledge by now that some Xbox One owners did receive faulty systems during launch day. It has been widely reported that Xbox One systems arrived with deep scratches on their cases and/or chipped corners in the plastic.
Moreover, some people have even reported damaged joysticks with broken analog sticks. The worst of the launch issues has been the Xbox One’s Blu-Ray DVD drive. A certain percentage of Xbox One systems shipped with a faulty Blue-Ray drive that grinds when a game disc is inserted. Additional reports have stated that some systems have even ‘eaten’ (i.e. scratched) game discs after making the now-known ‘grinding’ noise.
Xbox Ones w/ Faulty Blu-Ray DVD Drives:
Microsoft has been diligent in helping gamers affected by the launch day woes by promising replacement systems within 5-6 days. It’s good to know that Microsoft is taking care of their consumers.
The Playstation 4 launch wasn’t exactly smooth for some gamers either. Not even 2 hours after midnight, people were posting angry messages via social networks about their PS4 systems failing to operate after an hour of gameplay. Some reports came in that described the system’s HDMI port failing after fifteen minutes of use, causing a permanent black screen. There were systems that even experienced the ‘Blue Light of Death’ without ever completely turning on. Sony didn’t hesitate to mention that 1% of all PS4 systems available on launch day experienced some or all of these hardware issue(s). Like Microsoft, Sony immediately offered to replace the faulty PS4 systems at no additional charge to the consumer. It’s good to know that Sony, like Microsoft, is looking out for their customers.
What does this mean to you as a consumer? First, you need to understand that a small percentage of faulty hardware will pass through quality control before the launch of any new console system. No manufacturer is exempt from this – Sony and Microsoft included. Does the number of issues affecting a console system determine its quality or the reputation of the company that manufactured it? Not necessarily. The Xbox One, if you recall, had to undergo a technical redesign when consumers shunned its initial DRM and ‘Always On’ features. It can be argued that Microsoft should have delayed the launch of the Xbox One to flush out any technical issues. And while there were more technical issues plaguing Xbox One than PS4 during launch, the issues themselves were not as widespread as everyone believes.
Playstation 4 ‘Blue Light of Death’:
The internet can easily make a mountain out of a hill, as the old saying goes. A bad consumer experience can spread like wildfire. And as soon as you know it, that experience is appearing on just about every form of social media. Plus, you’ll have people’s opinions in the mix to add insult to injury.
Case in point – don’t allow a small percentage of these hardware failures prevent you from enjoying the next-gen consoles. Our advice to gamers affected by the faulty next-gen hardware issue(s) is the following: sit back and take a deep breathe; you’ll be gaming in no time. Sony and Microsoft have you covered, and they are working diligently to replace your console.
Playstation 4 and Xbox One Systems Available on Black Friday at Select Retailers?
If you weren’t among the many people who purchased a PS4 or Xbox One on launch day, this bit of news (while not confirmed as I write this) may place a smile on your face: Target and Walmart may have limited quantities of Playstation 4 and Xbox One systems available for sale on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the Holiday season. Black Friday is just a week away, so I suggest you start calling these retailers now.
New technology comes with its hurdles (especially on launch day), but that doesn’t mean you should take a negative stance toward a specific system or its parent company. With a little patience, you can overcome these hurdles with fewer headaches and a better outlook on gaming.