King Art’s and Nordic Games’ point and click adventure, The Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief, is now available to download via various digital distribution platforms for PC, Mac and Linux and will be available via the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade later this summer.
The first chapter The Eye of the Sphinx is now available via digital download on Steam or in the Nordic Games shop as a Standard Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition.
The beautifully animated first chapter, The Eye of the Sphinx, can be purchased today with a season pass and a release discount of 10% for just EUR/USD 22,49; £16.79 (Standard Edition, regular price: EUR/USD 24,99; £20.99) and EUR/USD 26,99; £22.49 (Digital Deluxe Edition, regular price: EUR/USD 29,99; £24.99). This pass will also give access to chapters 2 and 3 as they become available on August 27th and September 24th respectively.
Set across 1960’s Europe, The Raven combines the thrill of the chase ‘whodunit’ with the risk and reward of a heist story where players get to experience both sides of the story as the investigator and the thief. Paying tribute to Agatha Christie’s crime stories and gangster movies from the 60s and 70s, The Raven is set to be a thrilling episodic journey.
“The reaction to The Raven so far has been extremely positive so we’re excited to finally get the game out to the community,” said Martin Kreuch, Producer at Nordic Games. “The episodic format should create an immersive experience that allows players to experience cliff hangers like you would when watching a TV series, which is rarely seen in video games. King Art has done a tremendous job adding those moments and we’re keen to see how the community reacts to it.”
“Over the past 2 years we’ve worked tirelessly to produce a game of genuine quality that not only comes up with an incredibly dense atmosphere and a truly enthralling soundtrack but also provides a rich story full of twists that will leave players with their eyes and mouth open,” said Jan Theysen, Creative Director at King Art. “We’re extremely proud of the game and a lot of work has gone into enticing people back to the adventure genre and the story has been key factor in making this happen.”
The daring hunt across Europe is a story that features more camera shots and character animation than all of King Art’s previous point and click adventures put together. Journeying through thrilling and dense atmospheres with the aim of catching the thief players will follow his trademark black feather clues to capture him and protect the legendary sapphire, the “Eye of the Sphinx”.
To learn about the back story to The Raven, there is a free Interactive Graphic Novel available to play where players can learn about the bitter rivalry between The Raven and Legrand.
- ● To begin the story simply click here for the browser version.
- ● If you are on the move, get the Android App on Google play.
- ● Or get the iOS App on the App store.
Official Website http://www.raven-game.com
Official Store: http://raven-game.com/en/preorder/
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/233370/
Teaser Trailer: