Hero profiles are now available and ready for action!
Players can log in with their Battle.net account (look for the login box in the upper-right hand corner of your screen) to access hero profiles from any page on the Diablo III community site. Profiles give you the power to:
- ● Track your game progress. How many acts have you cleared? What bosses have you shredded in each difficulty? How far have you leveled up your hardcore and normal artisans? Find out in the career tab. You can also check your play time (by class) throughout your entire Diablo III career, and learn how many monsters and elites you’ve slain.
- ● View your heroes’ gear, stats, and skills. How high have you raised your characters’ attributes? What are they wielding in each slot? What are your most prominent gear bonuses? What skills comprise their current build? Nuance awaits you in the heroes tab.
- ● Share with your BattleTag friends. The friends tab lets you check out your BattleTag friends’ characters, so that you can quickly compare notes on gear, skill & rune choices, and everything in between.
The profiles allow easy sharing, comparing, and refining of heroes as players pursue monster-slaying mastery. We plan to add even more functionality to them as Diablo III evolves, including detailed statistics and tabs for achievements and artisans.
Official Website: http://www.diablo3.com