$10,000 worth of prizes and four finalists play live on the Machinima network in Hollywood
THQ and Machinima today announced the United States Nexuiz Tournament hosted by Machinima and powered by AMD Gaming.
Nexuiz is the CryENGINE 3 powered Arena FPS from Illfonic available on Steam and other PC download sites for a suggested price of $9.99.
Tournament details:
- • Open to U.S. residents only (see rules and restrictions)
- • 4v4 Team Deathmatch tournament
- • Maximum of 1,024 teams
- • Qualifying rounds conducted online
- • Final two teams flown to Hollywood, Calif to play the final round in Machinima’s game room on June 30, 2012
- • $10,000 cash with $7,000 to the winning team and $3,000 to the runners-up
- • AMD — 10 Radeon 7850 graphics boards
- • Alienware™ — 4 TactX™ keyboards and 4 TactX mice
- • Best of three in qualifying rounds
- • Single elimination
- • Finals in Hollywood will be best of 11 series
- • Registration is open now at: Here
- • Registration closes June 15, 2012
- • Qualifying rounds take place on Saturday June, 16th and Sunday June, 17th
- • Finals will be June 23, 2012
Machinima is the sole sponsor of the tournament and is responsible for all rules, administration and prizing.
Nexuiz community forums at: http://Forums.Nexuiz.com
Nexuiz for PC is now available from Steam at: http://Store.Steampowered.com/app/96800