Child Saved from Home Invasion by YooGames Alliance Mate

Child Saved from Home Invasion by YooGames Alliance Mate

Police responded to a 911 call about a possible burglary in progress in the city of Morgantown, India USA during the late evening of March 12th, 2012. A child gamer, whose identity has been kept confidential because of his age, was playing a browser game operated by

According to the report, the child told his fellow online players at 11:40pm that someone was trying to break into his house. Several members took immediate action by keeping the child calm. Some people kept the child distracted by talking about animals and things the child liked.

While this was occurring, a very responsible forum operator (and a former cyber crime agent) used the child’s IP address to trace his computer and contact the police.  A YooGames’ Admin risked his job by providing the child’s IP to the forum operator.

Using tools formerly related to their job, the forum operator proceeded to hack into surveillance cameras of nearby properties to record the intruders with video.

Police were able to apprehend one of three suspects fitting the descriptions seen in the videos. The other two suspects are still at large, but the police are confident that with more information, they will be apprehended.

YooGames representatives stated that all personal data, including player IP addresses, are highly confidential. The individuals involved in saving the child acted on their own free will.

Chatroom Log Screenshots:


  • Laura

    Happen to be trying to find this and learned much more than anticipated in this article. Thanks.