Trendy Entertainment is pleased to announce that the first of four parts of downloadable content (DLC) for Dungeon Defenders, The Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 1: Mistymire Forest, is finally available on the European PlayStation Network – for free! Due to the long delay (of both the game and DLC), Trendy Entertainment and SCEE have agreed to release the first part of the expansion for free to all SCEE PSN players.
As part one of the Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards, gamers everywhere now have the opportunity to continue on in the epic Dungeon Defenders universe.
Each of the four DLC packs will take players through an entirely new campaign map, a new PvP map and a new challenge mission with new story cinematics, enemies, new weapons, a new boss, and more! This DLC merely sets the stage for more adventures to be had in what was already a robust digital title.
Dungeon Defenders is one of the fastest selling downloadable games of all time. Bringing together the best elements of tower defense and action-RPG progression, it allows players to team up and fight across 15 unique maps, 30 challenges and four difficulty settings in all of the game’s loot-raiding, spell-casting, level-up stacking glory.
Players control one of four distinct heroes in an epic bid to fight back an ancient evil. Each character comes with special functions, and players can create and customize/upgrade an armory of weapons and equipment.
Dungeon Defenders is rated PEGI 12+ and is available for download now on PlayStation Network for $14.99.