House of the Dead: OVERKILL – Extended Cut – Crossbow Trailer

House of the Dead: OVERKILL – Extended Cut – Crossbow Trailer

Today we’re proud to present the Grindhouse Crossbow trailer for The House of the Dead: OVERKILL – Extended Cut! Narrated by Jackson J. Jackson, CEO of Jackson J. Jackson’s Crossbow Emporium, these impressively scoped, extremely explosive lightweight portable crossbows are a great way to take out the mutant menace overrunning Bayou City. You won’t find higher-quality weaponry anywhere else – Jackson J. Jackson guarantees it or double your money back!

Using a host of weapons, watch your back as mutants go mad for blood! Blast bloody pieces out of their wretched bodies and uncover the mystery behind the Bayou City outbreak. New goodies like PlayStation trophies, new game modes and new content are outnumbered by only one thing: Bullets! Will you defeat everything this freakish nightmare town throws at you or will you become mutant chowder?

The House of the Dead: OVERKILL – Extended Cut is releasing exclusively on PlayStation 3, supports 3D, and will be available in stores across North America on October 25, 2011.



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