The Charge (Review) Xbox 360

The Charge (Review) Xbox 360

The Charge is a sci-fi type space game that sets you barreling down an endless tunnel through hoops. With each hoop you pass through, it increases your speed and the faster you descend down the tunnel. The main objective is to break each speed record that is set.

The faster you go, the higher the speed record is set. The tunnel is designed in a decent brick texture, but it doesn’t really change except for the glowing hues that come off the hoops.

The music seems like a mixture of punk/ska and sounds decent to say the least, but I really wished there was more than one track that didn’t repeat endlessly like the same tunnel you fly through. The sound effects are sparse. The only thing you hear is a crashing sound when you miss the hoops you’re suppose to fly through. Aside from this, there is a very short narration in the beginning of the game.

Since I am a graphic artist, the one thing that bothered me the most was the bad cut-out job on the woman that appears on the select menu after you die. I feel the graphic was rushed and more time could have been spent cleaning it up. Plus, it gave me the impression that it was suppose to be somewhat transparent but the technique wasn’t executed in the proper manner.

Keeping in mind that The Charge is an indie title, there is still room for improvement in a future update. As it stands, TC isn’t a bad game if you like the concept of flying down a tunnel at high speeds and breaking time records. Some reviewers argue that TC is not even worth the 80 MS the developer is asking, but we’re only talking $1.00US. However, it is highly recommended that you try the free demo before actually buying the game; it’s an acquired taste.

James ‘Daripp3r’ Pittaro

Platform: Xbox 360
Developer: ZebraGames
Publisher: ZebraGames
Price: $1.00US (80 MS)

ZebraGames’ Website

Review Score
Not bad for an indie title.
Little-to-none; the music is decent if you like punk/ska genre.
There really isn't much to the gameplay besides flying down the same tunnel.
It is highly recommended that you try before you buy.
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