Ever want to be a part of something HUGE? Something that sets a world record? Here is your chance, just a couple of things are needed to take part in this. One, you need to be in London, or close enough to get there. Second, you need a DS or a DS Lite and a game. Third, be at the London MCM Expo on May 29th. That is it.
The London MCM Expo is looking to set a new Guinness World Record under the Largest Handheld Game Console Party category. The requirements are pretty simple, just show up (there is a handy link below for more information) and make this a successful attempt. There will be random prizes handed out so what do you have to lose?
The London MCM Expo already holds a Guinness record for Largest Gathering of People in Costumes From a Video Game.
More information is available at www.londonexpo.com