Capcom Announces Street Fighter X Tekken — Tekken Players Wonder About Combat System

Capcom Announces Street Fighter X Tekken — Tekken Players Wonder About Combat System

Capcom has just announced a franchise cross-over that most were not expecting; Street Fighter X Tekken.

Using the same technology from SFIV and SSFIV, Tekken characters like Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams will make their transition into the Street Fighter universe. The Tekken characters will be re-imaged but will retain their unique characteristics and signature moves from the Tekken series.

Like Street Fighter IV, gameplay will be set on a 2D playfield while each fighter will be realized in 3D. The environments promise to be highly detailed with engaging animations.

The question begs to be asked: how will Tekken players feel battling the likes of Ryu and Ken, and how will the technical fighting system of Tekken gel with the more combo-intensive system of Street Fighter IV? Or will Capcom marry the best of both systems into something completely unexpected? This and many other questions were being asked.


Street Fighter X Tekken Screenshots – Click on Thumbnail Images to Enlarge

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