Anirah Riddle of the Pharaohs (Review)

Anirah Riddle of the Pharaohs (Review)

Enjoy Mahjong and math?  Then Anirah Riddle of the Pharaohs by Lost Luggage Studios ($9.95) is the game for you!  Anirah combines a layout similar to mahjong and addition skills.  The goal is to clear the board using the tiles to match the “goal” number.  You can use any number of tiles to reach the goal.

When the goal is reached the tiles disappear.  If you go over the goal, the game will beep at you till you unclick some tiles.  There are “wild” cards that will allow you to hit the goal if you are short a number.Tiles run through 1-6.  Free tiles are easy to find and match.  Blocked tiles will not allow you to highlight them and will beep when you click on them.

When you run out of options, you can click for a new board with a new goal.  When you clear a board you get a 100 extra bonus points.  The music is calm and peppy and will keep your interested.  Great and fun way to teach kids how to add.  The tiles are on one level unlike most mahjong games where there is multiple tile levels, so the game appeared a little flat. Overall, this is an excellent and fun game for people who love numbers or want to teach or improve math skills.

Dani P
Score 7 out of 10

Lost Luggage Studios
Platform: PC
Price: 9.95


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