Pinocchio’s Puzzle (Review) Nintendo Wii

Pinocchio’s Puzzle (Review) Nintendo Wii
Review Score:

Do you enjoy building puzzles? Pinocchio’s Puzzle by Enjoyup (Wiiware; 500 Nintendo Wii points) allows you to build puzzles while following the story of Pinocchio.

You solve puzzles using a background picture as your guide.  For each puzzle that you solve, you will see a bit of the story of Pinocchio.

When you start the game, there are 3 different files to save profiles.  Once a profile is chosen, you will start the game. There is a puzzle where you will see the pieces (levels) to start with.  The pieces will show you which levels are available to  play by lighting up.  Once a puzzle has been selected, it will open up.

The first puzzle is relatively easy with a few large puzzle pieces. Using the Wiimote, you can pick up puzzle pieces by highlight the piece you want and pressing the A button. Puzzle pieces can be rotated by pressing the B button.

There is no time limit, so there is no pressure to finish a level quickly. Soothing music plays in the background while you play. Once you complete a puzzle, you are returned to the level select screen to choose another puzzle.

As you go up in levels, the pieces get smaller and increase in number. This is when the game becomes more challenging. At times, you have to squint to make out some puzzle pieces.  If you go to place a puzzle piece where it doesn’t belong, an ‘X’ will appear and you must choose another spot. The harder puzzles can take hours to complete.

The background is subtle enough that it’s a great guide to solving the puzzle, but at times you may find out that you need to get closer to the TV to figure out the puzzle.

Pinocchio’s Puzzle is a fun game that can be enjoyed by the whole family.  A younger child may need assistance, but can do it.  The gameplay is basic, but It is fun and very addicting.  You want to keep working on the puzzles and seeing more of the story unfold. This is a very family orientated game.

Once you start playing the game, you will find the controls easy to use most of the time.  At times, I found the controls sensitive and they wouldn’t pick up the piece at times. It was frustrating when that happened.  It was a challenge to complete some of the puzzles as I had some of the puzzle pieces sideways, but upon closer examination of the background picture, I was able to complete the puzzle.

This is a great game that will definitely grow on you, puzzle lover or not.

Nintendo Wii
Developer: EnjoyUp
Publisher: EnjoyUp
ESRB: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Will Points

EnjoyUp’s Website

Review Score
The graphics are simple, but very colorful and beautiful.
The music was beautiful and added a calming effect which helps when you get stuck.
The game controls are responsive to your motions with only a few glitches that were quickly solved by releasing the A button and pushing it again.
An enjoyable game that the whole family can enjoy together or by themselves. Well worth the Wii points.
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