PixelPerfectGaming.com Server Upgrade; Old Links Still Work, Just Shortened.

PixelPerfectGaming.com Server Upgrade; Old Links Still Work, Just Shortened.

Dear Readers,

We would like to take a moment to explain the recent server upgrade that occurred over the weekend. Going forward, all articles, reviews, etc.,  will be attached to a shortened server url (including our older material). Before the upgrade, links would look like the following: https://pixelperfectgaming.com///pixelperfectgaming/?p=13476

Now server links look cleaner: https://pixelperfectgaming.com///?p=13476

Older material can still be viewed by surfing our pages or by copying the end portion of older links (i.e.  /?p=13476) and pasting it to the end of our URL (i.e. Http://pixelperfectgaming.com/)

We apologize to our readers for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Kind Regards,
PixelPerfectGaming.com Staff

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