Apox – New Concept Trailer & Screenshots

Apox – New Concept Trailer & Screenshots

BlueGiant Interactive released a concept video which they used as a pre-production tool for APOX. Trailer here: APOX is a real-time strategy game set in a near post-apocalyptic, Mad Max-esque universe and is planned for release in late 2010.

At the start of the project, we created a concept video intended to help us set goals for look and feel of the final game. Although our game design evolved since this video, the video was invaluable in making sure everyone was on the same page in terms of art style. It set concrete goals for the graphics programmers as to the level of quality we wanted from our rendering engine. I think we’ll start all our new projects with a concept video like this, stated Prashant Suyal, Lead Artist for APOX.

In addition to the concept video, BlueGiant released new screen shots from their air base map, one of the 100 maps to be included in the final product.



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